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  • Organic Plant Growth Promoters
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Amruth Active Boro 20

Brand : Amruth Organic Fertilizers.
Data : Organic Plant Growth Promoter
Availability : In Stock

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ACTIVE BORO 20 (BORON 20%) : Active Boro-20 (Disodium octa borate tetra hydrate) a highly concentrated and entirely soluble boron source. It incorporates 20 % boron and a very easy way to overcome deficiency of boron in crops. Boron plays a key role in a diverse range of plant functions including cell wall formation and stability, maintenance of structural and functional integrity of biological membranes, movement of sugar or energy into growing parts of plants, and pollination and seed set, effective nitrogen fixation and nodulation in legume crops.

How to identify Boron Deficiency : Boron deficiency is expressed in the growing points of roots and shoots and also flower and fruiting structures. Often, terminal buds die and shoot internodes shorten, which leads to stubby, distorted new growth emerging from side nodes causing “rosetting” or a “bushy” appearance. Stems are brittle and new leaves may be thickened. Roots are often short and stubby; very few root hairs are present. Flowering and fruiting are reduced and what develops is often distorted.

Benefits :

  1. It helps in new cell formation and root development.
  2. It helps in formation of protein and amino acids.
  3. number of flowers and fruits.
  4. Ensures growth and high yield of all crops.
  5. Keep plant green and healthy.

Dosage & Application : Dissolve 2 gm of Active Boro-20 in 1 litter of water for foliar application. In critical growth condition apply times per crop. It also suited for drip irrigation application, ideal dose 2-3 kg per acre.

Recommended Crops : Wheat, Maize, Sugarcane, Rice, Sorghum, Cotton, Pigeon Pea, Sunflower, Groundnut, Soybean, and Vegetables like Tomato, Brinjal, Chilly etc., all types of Fruits Crops and Tea & Coffee.

Pack Size : 250 Gram and 500 Gram.

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